Waterfall kisses: Soul Satisfaction

Deep calls to deep
 at the roar of your waterfalls; 
all your breakers and your waves
  have gone over me.(Psalms 42:7)

I love that.. The way I envision this is that God’s love is the powerful waterfall and I am the dry place beneath it. As the water kisses the dry place beneath it for the first time; envision it (in slow motion), the water roaring with powerful elegance making its way down the ledge for the first time about to kiss the dry place that lies beneath it.  I can imagine it heard the waters roaring and began thirsting for something more than itself..

I didn’t know I was thirsting for more than myself until I heard His love calling me by name; calling for me to have forgiveness, hope, wholeness, peace; to be made perfect in Him. When I learned God did not ask for perfection I then knew that I was able to live and not just survive. I then knew that I was valuable in the eyes of God. Though I was broken, tainted and lost, Christ came to engulf me with His love.

I thirst for you. I am satisfied with you. I am satisfied in you.

My prayer for you today is that you will come to know where Christ’s love has presented itself in your life and that you will come to accept His love in a greater way. I pray that you will allow Christ to satisfy your soul and you will allow Him to make you whole.

Questions ? iamoliviasuri@gmail.com or ask.fm (https://ask.fm/iamoliviasuri)

2 Comments Add yours

  1. mariaholm says:

    Thank you for taking the effort to pray for us your readers. I appreciate your post and your follow of my blog. What you wrote on God doesn’t demand perfection of us spoke to me. He knows us in and out

    1. I am blessed to know that it did! Thank you for your encouraging post and yes He does know us in & out!!

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